BBA’s Executive Director to Participate in Panel at Development Conference

The BBA’s Executive Director, Kelly Devine will join Peter Straube of Champlain College and Fran Stoddard, an independent communications consultant for a session during the White & Burke Development Conference on November 14th.

US v. THEM: Building Bridges to Yes (Limit 45)

Kelly Devine, Burlington Business Association

Peter Straube, Champlain College

Fran Stoddard, Communications Consultant

Getting projects done involves a lot of conversation, especially here in Vermont where we place high value on public involvement. Many times the public process of getting a project approved can feel like an “US v. THEM” situation. You may often experience difficult conversations. You may be directly confronted or harassed. Building on the conversation and best practices explored at the BBA Winter Summit of January 2017, we will take you through a series of exercises to get you thinking about new ways to “Build Bridges to Yes.” We will offer new communication strategies to use when the conversation gets tough and the environment becomes hostile. And we let you try them out. In this interactive session, we will get you thinking about how to shift the dynamic from a confrontation to a productive conversation that helps get your project to “YES.”

For more information and registration, visit