Announcing the 2016 BBA Annual Dinner

Please join us on Thursday, April 7th at the Hilton Burlington for a very special evening with the Burlington Business Association.

The 2016 Annual Dinner is officially sold out!
If you would like to be added to our waiting list please contact Stacie or call the office at 802-863-1175.
Thank you!

Please click through the links below for more information.

Cocktail Reception
Live Auction

Thank you to our Presenting Sponsor

Thank you to our Cocktail Reception Sponsor


Thank you to our Dinner Sponsors

Bank_of_America_Merrill_Lynch_RGB_300            comcast

dinse     unnamed (1)    unnamed (2)    keybankprimmer   uvm medical centercasella

BTC NEW LOGO Trans (1)            redstone
devonwood_logo (1)      Hilton Garden Inn Hotels Brand Logo

Thank you to our Program Sponsors

gravel-and-shea    PPM_25YearsLogo    HallCommLogo2012   hilton  LC-Logo-Brown-300-dpi  vermontwinemerchants