Adopt Your Sidewalk

The Burlington Business Association is asking downtown businesses and property owners to Sign Up and Pledge to adopt the sidewalk in front of their businesses. The BBA first launched the Adopt Your Sidewalk program in 2016 which saw dozens of downtown businesses come together at seasonal clean-up events. We know that by joining together, businesses downtown can each do a small part to make a big impact on the cleanliness of Burlington, create an atmosphere of positive energy, and communicate to residents and visitors that this is a welcoming, tight-knit community that works together to care for our downtown. We’re asking members and all downtown businesses to join us in renewing the pledge. By adopting your sidewalk, businesses are committing to cleaning, maintaining, and beautifying their own small strip of Downtown Burlington. 

We are hoping to kick off this event in the next few weeks! Please fill out the Sign-Up form to let us know what days work best for you.



If you have any questions about this project, please email Colin.