Updates from Kelly Devine’s Monthly Meetings with the Mayor

From the Desk of BBA’s Executive Director, Kelly Devine:

Housing is a hot topic in Burlington. The Mayor’s office, PlanBTV South End, social services agencies and healthcare organizations are all talking about the high cost of housing in Burlington and our low vacancy rate. The numbers make it clear: Burlington has added only 18 market rate rental units in the past 11 years. Over the past several months I have met with a long list of organizations and city officials to talk housing.

The Key Challenges Are:

  • An aging housing stock with rental units that are not well maintained
  • Less than 1% vacancy and prices that outpace income
  • An approval process that is multi-stepped and unpredictable
  • More sprawl as people move further away from Burlington to find housing
  • Businesses are at a disadvantage when recruiting talent from out of state due to the high cost of housing, which inhibits economic growth

The Key Question Today:

  • How can Burlington move quickly to remove its barriers to housing development so that we can build more housing?

Building More Housing Can:

  • Soften prices over time by increasing supply
  • Increase the quality of the supply and likely incent property owners to improve their property to remain competitive
  • Combat sprawl and its environmental impacts by offering options for people to live where they work and play
  • Create economic and health stability for many in our community

Burlington needs to build more housing now!

How Do We Get There?

We need your help and the voice of many. What if the community at large was calling for more housing now? What if community leaders heard from hundreds that we need housing now? What if business leaders and citizens and service agencies and health care institutions and property owners and civic leaders stood together to call for more better housing now?

With a shared voice we could see change.

Want to meet with the BBA to talk about a Better Burlington! Reach out and help the BBA reach this critical goal.