Trespass Forms Available at BBA Office

Recent changes to the Burlington trespass law mean that the Burlington Police Department can no longer issue a trespass on behalf of a businesses or private property. In light of these changes, the BBA in partnership with the Church Street Marketplace have created a universal trespass form that can be used by any business owner, manager or authorized personnel. These booklets are available at the BBA offices, located at 29 Church Street, Suite 305. A free booklet of forms can be picked up M-F, 9-5pm. Please email Sarah if you’re planning to stop by and pick one up.

Businesses can fill out the form and issue a copy to the individual being trespassed and keep a copy for their records.

Burlington Police ONLY issue a trespass notice on your behalf for these two reasons:

1) Retail Theft in your store;

2) Disorderly Conduct in your store (defined as fighting, or engaging in threatening or violent behavior; making excessive noise; using abusive or offensive language in public; disturbing a lawful meeting or gathering.)