The City of Burlington to Host Encore Presentation of BTC Redevelopment Project

On January 5th, revised plans for the Burlington Town Center redevelopment project were presented, along with an outline of the City’s commitment to this transformative public-private partnership. This presentation marked a significant milestone in a multi-year process from adoption of planBTV to the redevelopment of the most important site in downtown Burlington.

Courtesy of Burlington Free Press

Courtesy of Burlington Free Press

Due to the large and engaged turnout on January 5th, the City will host an encore presentation on January 21st from 5-7:00pm in City Hall’s Contois Auditorium. Following the presentation, there will be an opportunity to talk with the development team and City representatives about the project’s major elements in more detail, including parking, circulation, program of uses, urban design, and the prospective development agreement.

What:  Encore Presentation of the Revised Plan & Framework for Proposed Development Agreement for BTC Mall
When:  Thursday, January 21st from 5-7pm
Where:  Contois Auditorium, City Hall (149 Church St.)

It’s vital that the Burlington Community voices their opinion for the success of this project. We encourage BBA members and the BTV community to come and show their support for the project and get your questions answered! You can also share your comments on this online form.

If you missed the last presentation and you’re unable to attend this one the January 5th presentation slides can be found here.