Earlier today BBA Executive Director, Kelly Devine joined Mayor Miro Weinberger and project partners to announce the fabrication and installation of more than 80 new wayfinding signs to help visitors “find their way” to amenities and services in Burlington’s downtown district.
BBA focused on the need for wayfinding improvements in 2005 with a commissioned study lead the its Waterfront Action Group. Executive Director Kelly Devine took up the cause when she joined the BBA in 2008. “This one took perseverance,” said Devine. “When Mayor Weinberger took office, I brought the project documents to his attention and he pledged to get it done.” The new system replaces the City’s 20-year-old driving signs (also a BBA initiative in collaboration with the Department of Public Works) with new, clearer signs, a new pedestrian wayfinding system for the downtown and waterfront areas, and appropriate signage for the city’s municipal parking garages.
These signs will make our City more accessible and inviting to all, by directing both residents and visitors to our community’s many great amenities and attractions. With the addition of these signs, traffic congestion and confusion when finding parking will be brought to a minimum. The Department of Public Works, under the direction of Director Chapin Spencer secured funding for the project and completed the engineering and project management work to complete the project.
“I know visitors to Burlington from near and far will feel instantly welcome when they see and use this comprehensive signage and wayfinding system. And as we help people find their way to parking or to their destinations, we will improve our air quality as a result of less circling. This project is a clear win for Burlington,” said Devine
For a detailed description on the project’s signs, scheduling, and funding please view the official press release. See additional coverage by VT Digger, The Burlington Free Press and an interview with Kelly Devine on WCAX.